Channel: Why do electrons fall from a high excitation to a lower one? - Physics Stack Exchange
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Answer by valerio for Why do electrons fall from a high excitation to a lower...

do the electron(s) keep going higher the more light you shine (...)?No, because energy levels are quantized.This means that no matter how many photons you throw at the electron (i.e. the intensity of...

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Answer by anna v for Why do electrons fall from a high excitation to a lower...

Classical electromagnetic theory could not explain the spectral lines seen in light spectra. It predicted that an electron caught around a proton would radiate continuously (due to the radial...

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Answer by Deschele Schilder for Why do electrons fall from a high excitation...

In this article you can find the reason for spontaneous emission.The excitation of an electron depends of course on the frequency of the photons you shine on the atom. In practice, these photons are...

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Answer by Gec for Why do electrons fall from a high excitation to a lower one?

I want to add about spontaneous emission. Excited states of atoms are not stationary states because of atoms are not isolated QM systems. There always is interaction with electromagnetic field....

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Answer by entrop-x for Why do electrons fall from a high excitation to a...

The answer is thermodynamics, and the assumption that you're working in a colder environment than the temperature corresponding to a Planck distribution where your photons would be "on average" fairly...

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Why do electrons fall from a high excitation to a lower one?

If when you shine a photon into an atom for example, and this excites an electron to a higher energy level, do the electron(s) keep going higher the more light you shine, and is there an energy limit,...

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